Cardiff has an ever expanding student population, but there are many landlords including the University itself. So if you own a property, which is let out, close to the university, in order to attract the right tenants it is worth having your property professionally cleaned.
Call the Cardiff Cleaning Company. Life is hectic for all of us, for some more than others, do you have long days full of stress? Do you work long hours?
Wheather you have a big shop or small shop premesis, it is important to remember that this is your 'face' to your customers, even before they meet you personally.
Scrimping on cleaning your office can be a false economy and has an opportunity cost to it. Many businesses see cleaning as an expense and not a pivotal way of keeping employee production at maximum efficiency.
Are you thinking of moving home this Spring? Then why not let the Cardiff Cleaning Company help. How?
Do you have a big occasion planned - a wedding, wedding anniversary, a milestone bithday, an office party?
These weee little beasties are prevalent all over our planet, from the outer atmosphere to deep within ourselves and to the depths of the ocean, we couldn't do without many of them. However, there are about 50 types we could do without and many of the are lurking in our workplaces.
Everyone loves their mother as she is the person who cares for you when you are sick and looks after you. So why not give your mother a treat this tear and book a full house clean with the Cardiff Cleaning Company.
The Cardiff Cleaning Company are looking for an experienced cleaner for domestic and semi commercial cleans on a casual to part time basis in the Cardiff Area at £8/hour. The applicant must be able to drive and have a full clean driving licence. Please apply with a short resume or C.V.
When you work at home it is difficult to juggle that work/life balance, I know, I struggled for 10 years. When you work in an office, it is cleaned on a regular basis by professional cleaners who come in to keep the floors, desks, kitchen and washroom areas clean.